Executive coaching

With coaching, leaders in the workplace are encouraged to become more aware of how they are experienced by others, and their own internal experience of self. This internal experience is shaped by our personal narrative – the stories we tell ourselves about who we are. Yet, we tend unconsciously to offer others the power to create these narratives. 

Through the coaching journey, we get the opportunity to challenge these narratives, and release those that no longer serve us, surfacing parts of ourselves that had not previously been recognised or claimed. 

This new awareness brings clarity regarding our value and potential and gives us the potential for greater influence, more conscious behavior, and a harmonious and textured experience for ourselves and those with whom we work.

executive coaching

Leadership & Team Development

Health coaching


Team development begins with the individuals who make up the team. Through the Enneagram Assessment Tool, team members gain a new and deeper understanding of each other, beyond their titles and the working environment. 

The Enneagram offers remarkable clarity into what drives individual behaviour, enabling a nuanced insight into ourselves and our fellow team members. We can identify frequently unconscious patterns of behaviour, thinking and feeling as well as our personal triggers and defence mechanisms. And it is through recognising these, that robust conversations can be ignited and facilitated, ensuring they contribute to building trust within the team.

In this atmosphere, individuals work together to surface and name the dynamics at play in the team. Newly conscious of their influence and impact on the dynamic, team members are encouraged to assume responsibility for their contribution. Teams gain a shared language and conceptual framework, which is used to create a team narrative oriented towards the successful achievement of collective goals. This offers a pathway for teams to become high performing, by offering insights, and highlighting strengths or possible challenges.

As part of the process, each delegate will be upskilled in the principles and building blocks of Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment model. By using these principles to hold the process, and using the building blocks to ensure competency development, the team starts to create an environment where respect becomes the hallmark of all interactions. This can be seamlessly transferred back into the workplace.

health coaching

As an Integral coach and a trained health practitioner, (and in consultation with dietician Judith Johnson) Helen also offers a supportive and nurturing coaching space for those with challenging health issues.

To create an environment in both mind and body that sets the stage for healing, her approach focuses on the four pillars of health: our immune system, nutrition, stress response, and personal identity. Integral to this is time spent reflecting on and acknowledging our patterns of thinking, feeling, and action, particularly those that may have created or originated in emotional blockages.

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Through the Enneagram Assessment Tool, we can unlock fresh insights into ourselves and how our circumstances have shaped our unconscious and habitual reactions. This is particularly useful in understanding the pillars of personal identity and stress. As we do this, we unwind the burdens we have carried, and release the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and our past, and are able to forge a more authentic, compassionate, and honest relationship with self.

This richly textured and nurturing inner work is complemented by Judith, who has more than 25 years of experience in personalised nutritional therapy and is co-author of Genes to Plate, a book that details the practical aspects of food choices and eating according to your health pathways. Judith works with clients to heal the pillars of immunity and nutrition. In doing so, we begin to create an emotional, cognitive, and biological container for healing.